Hi!! I'm Jennifer-an artist, a mother, and a Christian. There is a lot more to me, but those 3 things really define me, because they are part of, and direct, all other aspects of my life. I love adventures and becoming best friends with the brides and families I photograph. Connection and communication are very important to me!
I grew up as an artist. My father is a professional photographer, and my mother has a very creative and free spirit, making the most out of every situation with her wonderful creative energy. I always say I'm an artist first and a photographer second. I will approach your Family Session with a Fine Art perspective and a documentary style.
As a mother I am terribly imperfect, and I am constantly making mistakes, learning and growing, but I can't imagine my life without my children! Their little souls are the most important in my life, and my relationship with them and God has shown me how to love AND how to photograph love. Jacob is 20, and a lover of science and language. Guinevere is 19, and she hates to admit it, but is a beautiful budding artist-like her mom. Apollo is 7, and is in love with cars, monster trucks, trains, and surprisingly girls! Titus is 1- he's crazy, terrible, sweet, loving, and ENERGETIC! I really don't know where I would be without the 4 of them-they make my heart shine in ways no one else could.
My husband and I have one of those fairytale relationships. We got married 1 month after dating, and it has been a journey that's taken us so many places physically and spiritually. Daniel is my biggest supporter, and he likes to assist and attend when he's available.
God has given me a unique gift, and I owe all of that talent to Him first and foremost. I also can't thank Jesus enough for dying on the cross for my sins. Love is sacred and from God, so I take my ability to photograph that commitment between a man and a woman and their families very seriously.