Hunter had such an inquisitive personality! He wanted to explore my studio more than he wanted to eat his cake! It was hard to get some smiles out of him, but part of my job as a Lifestyle or documentary children's photographer is to capture children just being children. I absolutely love every minute of that! Hunter's mother contacted me well in advance for her desires to have a Wild One themed Cake Smash Session, and we worked together by sending photos back and forth via email to get just the right look for Hunter. They live in Fayetteville, NC, but they travel down here from time to time to visit family. I am thrilled to have been a part of his 1 year old birthday cake smash session!

Cake Smash Sessions are done in my home studio in Chester, SC. The clean up can be quite extensive for some themes! I always provide a pail and some rubber duckies at the end of the session, so your child can clean up, and of course I photograph that as well! I require for the parents to bring their own soaps and suds, because children are much more susceptible to skin irritation. Most Cake Smash themes require extra planning, preparation, and prop finding or making, so any intricate theme should be scheduled at least 1-2 months in advance. Easy themes like colors with balloons, streamers, etc are not as prop intensive, and they do not require as much time to plan and execute.
To find out more about the Wild One Props or Cake Smash Sessions in general, go to this blog entry.
Thanks for reading, everyone! As always, if you would like to book a cake smash session with me, please call or email me, and we will work out the details together!
Jennifer Brecheisen
Children + Newborn Photographer serving Rock Hill, Charlotte, Fort Mill, Chester, Lancaster, and York
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